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Dental Surgery Paediatric Dentistry

The principal objective is to monitor oral health up to adolescence in order to ensure that the child reaches adult life with a healthy smile and no fear of dental treatment. Children’s consultations therefore need special care and treatment, in an environment adapted to the needs of children because, as they are not miniature adults, they require greater attention so that the visit to the dentist becomes play and not something that is a traumatic experience. 

Biokids® is committed to continuous training of the team. The clinical staff meets each week and is constantly adding to basic academic training. Children in Biokids®, are not upset when they need to change their paediatric dentist as everyone takes the same approach and uses the same diagnostic methods, speaking the same kind of language. We are a passionate, dedicated team, a real team of complementary talents as each paediatric dentist offers sub-areas of specialisation within paediatric dentistry! 

Within the paediatric dentistry services offered in Biokids® we highlight:

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Aesthetic Paediatric Dentistry

  • Direct and indirect cosmetic restorations of front and back teeth
  • Infiltration of resins to remove inherent dental stains (ICON);
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Cosmetic Paediatric Dentistry as a result of traumatic injury

  • Adhesion of tooth fragments
  • Frontal cosmetic restoration

Endodontic Paediatric Dentistry of deciduous teeth

  • Pulpotomy
  • Pulpectomy
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Endodontic Paediatric Dentistry young permanent teeth

  • Apexogenesis
  • Apexification
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Paediatric Dental Surgery

  • Labial and tongue frenectomy, extraction of impacted teeth, cysts, supernumary teeth, ulotomy, ulectomy (with and without laser)

Application of Laser Biomodelling

  • in pathologies such as thrush stomatitis
  • herpes
  • tooth eruption
  • dental hypersensitivity

Application of Laser Surgery

  • in labial and lingual frenectomy, ulectomy, ulotomy, removal of mucoceles, amongst others

Oral Paediatric Dental Rehabilitation

  • metal crowns
  • zircon crowns
  • acetate crowns
  • space maintainers with and without teeth
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Prophylaxis, Motivation and Paediatric Dental Hygiene Instruction

Dental medicine in the Child with associated systemic pathologies.

Biokids® provides individual consultations for children with regard to the pathologies that they may have.

We provide both face to face and online consultations designed for and adapted to each of the following: asthma, anaemia, diabetes, celiac disease, heart disease.

Consultation on Removing Dummies/pacifiers

In Biokids® we help the child to break the habit of using a dummy/pacifier. We have developed a programme of specialist consultations directed specifically to helping and guiding the child and the family through this process. We use a positive reinforcement philosophy through games and challenges that give a high level of success.

We provide both face to face and online consultations  especially designed around the theme of dummies/pacifiers.

Dummy/Pacifier Fairy Biokids®?

Facial and Functional Jaw Orthopaedics

This area concerns jaw and mandible bone growth in order to prevent the development of facial asymmetries, limiting dissonance and future need for more complex orthodontic treatment / surgery or the need to extract teeth.

This is complemented and supported by areas such as Otolaryngology (which allows the mandible to advance and traction and expansion of the jaw), Speech Therapy (correcting mal occlusions which impede the correct positioning of the tongue and, as a consequence, good diction) and Posture (it is impossible to dissociate body posture from the position of the jaws). 

In Biokids® paediatric diagnosis of mal occlusions (either due to teeth and /or skeletal problems) is always complemented by a complete postural evaluation

Myofunctional Orthodontics

Bad oral habits such as incorrect swallowing, bad tongue posture and breathing through the mouth are the principal causes for misaligned teeth. The force of the tongue, lips and cheeks combined with these bad habits can have an effect on the positioning of the teeth as they influence the way that the jaw and mandible grow.

In Biokids® we use myofunctional orthodontics as a complement to neural-occlusive, orthodontic, facial and functional orthopaedic rehabilitation therapies as well as training programmes and respiratory correction.  Biokids® is also a Myobrace® Certified Clinic.

Neural-occlusal Rehabilitation

A preventative approach in order to balance the mastigatory system and its components (muscles, teeth and joints), guiding correct growth and development of the boney base of the child.

In Biokids® we combine this area with evaluation and, if necessary, integrated postural treatment in order to produce more predictable and stable results. 

Treatment of unilateral posterior right crossbite through neural-occlusal rehabilitation (mixture of paths and selective wear) in a 5 year old child, without the need to use braces. The treatment of this type of mal occlusion must be as early as possible to minimize asymmetric facial growth. 

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Treatment of overbite with deviant mandible together with evaluation and complete postural and myofunctional therapy in a 3 and a half year old child.

Complete Postural Study

Our team believes that the great majority of postural changes found in children if not assessed and monitored correctly and/or treated tend to get worse in adulthood. An adult with pain or postural dysfunction was, in most cases, a child who was not treated in time!


This study was developed by the posture team of Biokids®, taking into account the notions of verticality and symmetry. This arose because of the need to make a complete evaluation of various postural parameters during an appointment, which involves carrying out and registering various orthopaedic tests to detect the presence (or absence) of postural changes in the child and to prevent any tendency for the same growth to continue in the future and avoid the effects this would cause.


In this complete check-up, the range of assessments carried out by different health professionals is the key to success, as this allows a more global view of the child’s problems which is an essential tool when taking clinical decisions by grading treatment priorities.


This study is the basis for postural treatment and occlusion within Biokids®. We also frequently receive referrals from other health professionals. Our multidisciplinarity allows us to communicate with and guide other health professionals to take clinical decisions which provide the patient with the best, most rapid and effective treatment possible through identifying the root of the problem and not merely dealing with its consequences.

Podology and Posture in the child

This area deals with the diagnosis and appropriate treatment of growth and physical maturity of the lower limbs to try to prevent the development of structural, biomechanical and dermatological alterations and thus avoid their repercussions in adulthood.

During infancy the changes commonly identified in clinical practice are:

  • Structural/Biomechanical: changes in the gait; changes of the position of the knees; changes in support in the foot; limb length discrepancy of the lower limbs; after effects of pathologies (club foot or congenital dislocation of the hip); HAV (bunions); specific growth pathologies amongst others.

  • Dermatological: warts; mycosis; excessive transpiration; onycopathy (for example, ingrowing toe nails) amongst others.

Dia da Criança Biokids

Frequent Questions in Paediatric Dentistry


Ideally, the first visit should be when the first tooth appears or at least before the end of the first year.

During this appointment various subjects will be raised such as teething, oral hygiene, eating habits, damage to teeth, sucking habits (thumb and/or dummy/pacifier) and occlusion (how the teeth fit together).  Besides these, of the child’s risk of caries and the most appropriate routine of appointments needed in each case will be assessed. If the child is comfortable, this appointment will also include preventative care (polishing teeth and applying flouride) so that the child gets used to paediatric dentistry and dental instruments.

When the first dental examination is carried out in this way, the child sees the dentist as a friend who will help to take care of their teeth throughout their lifetime and will not have any kind of fear if any more complicated treatment is necessary.

Summing up, the first dental appointment a child has must be as early as possible and never only when there is pain or in an emergency!

Above all, do not pass your fears on to your children. Even parents who fear the dentist and those who are anxious or worried should try to hide these feelings and take a positive attitude towards the visit.

In a general way, you can explain to the child what a dentist is, say that you are taking the child to show their teeth so they are always strong and healthy.

Show enthusiasm, speak happily and calmly make it fun and spark curiosity. There are books and cartoons which can be very helpful with this as they talk about dentists in a lighthearted and positive way.

Avoid saying too much about it, do not explain in detail or promise gifts or excursions if the child behaves well, as this will make the child feel insecure and suspect that there is something wrong with visiting the dentist.

Avoid talking about the dentist or other health professionals as a punishment for the child in daily conversations (statements like “you had better behave yourself, or else I’ll take you to the doctor to get a jab,” should never be used.)

Choose a time for the appointment when you know the child is normally happy, for example, if the child is often grumpy in the afternoon, make the appointment for the morning and also avoid making appointments at times when the child has special events (sports, TV programmes, etc.)

There is no definite time when a child should be left alone with the dentist. There are cases where the parents’ presence benefits the child, making them feel safe and secure and others where the parents’ presence has a negative effect on the child’s behaviour and, consequently, how well the appointment goes.

After seeing how the child responds/ interacts with parents present, the dentist may ask the parents to leave the room, which should be taken as a natural step, especially in cases where the child is not very cooperative. 

For most health professionals establishing a friendly relationship with the child is made easier without the parents’ input, even if a parent is present in the room, they should not intervene in the conversation the dentist is trying to establish with the child, such as answering the dentist’s questions for the child.

It is important that the dentist establishes a conversation with the child in order to be able to gauge their psychological state precisely (this is extremely important in deciding what the most appropriate dental treatment should be), as well as noting if there are any speech disorders that could indicate an underlying dental problem.

It is crucial to build a confident relationship which will help in carrying out any treatment, therefore, all the questions that parents might have about the dental procedure to be carried out, how long it will take, what instruments will be used and other details connected with the treatment should be put at the appropriate moment in order not to scare the child or lead them to believe that the dentist is hiding something which will cause them fear or pain.

Adolescents should be seen without their parents, especially for their first appointment. Questions will be asked to establish a clinical history that young people would probably feel more comfortable answering without their parents present (for example, their smoking habits).

In short, the presence of the parents should always be carefully thought out, as the main objective is for the appointment to go as well as possible and the best treatment to be provided for the young person concerned.

Yes.  Dentist’s cheques are obtained from the health centre or through the school the child attends and can be used provided they are validated. Pregnant women are also entitled to use dentist’s cheques.

Appointment Consultation

To find out which treatments are indicated, you should make an appointment for a diagnosis.

Consultations: Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm and Saturdays from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm

Online consultations: Monday to Sunday, from 8am to 10pm