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Baby Dentistry

No child deserves to suffer or go through complicated dental work! Prevention, starting with Baby Dentistry is the beginning of a healthy smile in the future.

This requires oral health care in the 0 to 24 month age range, which rests, above all, on an educational and preventative approach. Baby dentistry first appeared in the State University of Londrina –Parana (Baby Clinic) where our Paediatric Dental Surgeon, Dr Joana Gomes, did part of her academic training and brought the concept to the team in Biokids® more than 10 years ago.

We provide face to face and online consultations especially for this age group.


Baby Podology

In Biokids® baby Podology, besides making a detailed evaluation of the foot, provides information about the stages of natural development and advice about the best strategies for the care and treatment of important structures such as the baby’s nails (how to cut them, what implements to use, the best time of day to manage to do this,…); the best type of shoe; if and when the baby should be encouraged to stand and walk, amongst other relevant information about this noble structure that is the basis for developing good posture.

We provide preventative consultations for baby podology online.

Appointment Consultation

To find out which treatments are indicated, you should make an appointment for a diagnosis.

Consultations: Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm and Saturdays from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm

Online consultations: Monday to Sunday, from 8am to 10pm